@TylerDurden mate, why are you saying all these things in regards to the Part C?
This is just simply not true and a manipulation… with such aggressive wording! How come the MB is taking over the control of the vesting contracts? Do you really think the PP team is giving us the private keys or what?
Obviously MB is not controlling the code part or the project!
Once again, I believe it is all clear with Part A and Part B - these parts just describe how to slash the inactive guys (I) why them, and (ii) how exactly it can be done from technical standpoint.
@RyanW I wonder why are you saying “in theory” about Part A. Why is this theoretical? this is all about the practice, simple math, and the future of the protocol.
“In theory” these 40 guys should have contributed to receive the rewards, but the theory didn’t work out as we see.
And here we have real numbers - 2 mn of CVP will not be dumped. Is it enough to fix all the issues with tokenomics? I believe it is not.
This is definitely something we CAN do to fix the existing issues - e.g. we can put this 2 mn for TVL boost in the next couple of years, or to stimulate CVP staking/locking etc etc. Moreover this is just fair.
In combination with other measures, I believe this will work.
Now lets go to what I understand is the only real stopping factor - Part C
"Contract management and team capabilities:
- The contract will be managed by the team multi-sig
- Team will verify every proposal for vesting prolonging/slashing from Management Board based on their own data (including off-chain contribution) before executing such a decision."
Where is the MB taking over the Project?
Yes MB can suggest changes, but it is the PP team, the community and the multi-sig signers who decide! The governance is still decentralized.
With the Part C everything around the testers allocation will become more transparent and streamlined (still on anonymous basis)
Why exactly do you think it is awful?
Do you think the team / the community controlling the tokens distribution is bad?
I consider the Part C as one of the ENABLER for currently relatively inactive testers to contribute. This is exactly what are you talking about imo.
Yes, it would be much more sweet to have only positive motivation methods, but looks like it doesn’t work in practice - see thee general community reaction since August (community includes pretty sizeable LPs, like me)
And basically Part C is not a negative motivation imo. Who said the discipline and transparency are negative?
I personally would be happy in case Part C is accepted and all the testers from remaining 153 approach the PP team (or respond when the PP team approach them), keep making input and receive their 50k CVPs in full.
From what I see, communicating with some of the large investors the current situation around testers allocations (together with some other pretty critical issues which we will hopefully fix in coming weeks) is one of the factors hindering the PP development. Not the main factor, but an important one.
For the community this factor has eaten the most part of time and efforts unfortunately. And those efforts could be directed in full towards value creation instead.
Proposal 29 suggests how to finally solve it with relatively small blood and show the market that we tackling this complex issue in an open and responsible way