Category Topics


Please check that you have read the latest official announcements here

General Chat

Please use this category for all informal discussions about current issues. Please discuss and preview your prospective formal proposals here, NOT in the Proposals category, until the draft Proposal is in near final form and some level of support has been signalled. Votes will be held based on the numbered Proposals once they have been re-posted to the Proposals Category.


Please do not post proposals that have not been thoroughly discussed on Discord in advance.

PowerAgent v 2.0 TestNet

Discussions of May 2023 incentivised Sepolia Testnet and onboarding latest cohort of Keepers

Product Questions

Most user support issues can be dealt with most efficiently on the Project Discord. There are separate Categories for discussions of various Testnets

New Product Ideas

Please post new topics with draft proposed new products that will leverage the PowerAgent v2 automation network on Ethereum and other EVM POS L1s & L2s

Ecosystem Fund

The Ecosystem Growth Fund was proposed and accepted by the community to reward PowerPool contributors. Please create an initial public topic for discussion in this section to apply for a Grant or Reward as defined in Proposal 58. Discussed and reviewed proposals which are ready for voting will be moved to the Ecosystem Fund Vote subtopic.

Knowledge Base

Historical archive of newletters and other posts that should be preserved