PowerPool Ambassador Program Discussion

@DrGonzo how many people filled the form?)

I think this is a good idea, however I would consider holding off on this, at this stage in the project. Thinking back to other projects, “Ambassadors” are indirectly rewarded by buying into the project early and then helping grow the project through their efforts (someone like chainlinkgod.eth being a classic example). This is a direct ROI on their investment, and many actually do the work out of love for the project and because of a shared vision, rather than due to being (directly) compensated for the work.

My question therefore is, to what extent is a formal incentive program necessary and even conducive? If it’s not properly designed and run you risk it being abused (content creators not necessarily interested in the project being overcompensated for work may be incentivised to 1) do quickly and dirty work, and 2) dump their CVP payment as soon as it’s received). To prevent this, it’ll need to be well managed, but that increases the governance overhead. I’d therefore be in favour of first seeing how far we can get organically and by merit of the project itself, and only considering this further down the road.

hey, not many, around 10 or so.

Thanks @kluebirby, it’s a valid point. I had experience with stupid bounty hunters who produce tons of useless content before. In this case, we need to think how to eliminate it and incentive only high quality content production.

What is @pahuyswap thinking about it?

I like a lot of the ideas that have been shared so far in the thread. However, I think we are conflating two different ideas. The first is an ambassador program and the other is a content creation program.

Based on the responses, I believe most people are interested in a content creation program that the community will help decide how to fund. I believe the correct next steps for that are to start by determining what content is most important now and also for the upcoming announcements.

Video content would get my vote in that case, as well as a detailed infographic that can explain in simple terms what PowerPool is. Think: We have a lot of top influencers supporting PowerPool, we should make content that is easy for them to share and easy for their audience to digest.

Once the content is decided on, let’s set a budget and go about selecting who will create it.

To address the ambassador program, I understand the argument that we want our early supporters to be ambassadors and benefit by the token going up. However, while marketing is weak I believe there is room for a special kind of ambassador program for people who are willing to be actively engaged in promoting CVP.

For these people, rewards like those mentioned by the OP (Merchandise, special channels, early access) seem like fair rewards for someone dedicated hours each day working to make PowerPool popular.

It also makes sense to me because someone who is talking about PowerPool a lot online will need quicker and more direct team access than us regular folk talking about governance on the forum or debating on Discord.

What does everyone think?

If you are interested in finalizing the content types hit me up on Discord in the news and marketing channel to discuss it or fill the form by @DrGonzo https://forms.gle/XshzWvFaK2zpWYwt5

In Polkadot Ambassador program I saw that conent creation, translations, researching, infographics, community management etc. are a part of Ambassador program. I think we need to split this activities and probably start them in different time with a different size of rewards but it`s all about AMbassador program.

A lot of Influencers have locked tokens! So where are they? Personally, I have a plan to make an educational video for PP as soon as it has a solid product opened for the public. And for me, it doesn’t matter should I be compensated by Reputation or tokens. I am grateful to the project for the opportunity to be among testers. So IMHO every influencer from testers should be interested at least in the token price. So do they need additional motivation like the Ambassador program? I don’t think so. They have tokens already for that.

But of course, things like FAQ creation, docs, translation and other useful stuff should be paid. But they should be manageable, reviewable and verifiable, maybe through governance. I like how this organized in dxDAO btw.

Totally agree with Lamer: those who already have tocken (even though they are locked there is a huge amount of em anyway. someday u will be rich), recevied them as a prepaiment. Time to work for it) (well maybe it is not time yet but I don`t think I saw a lot of info about CVP in media tbh). Anyway we still need plan))
Lamer, dm me if u need help in translation or understanding articles. Here is my medium: https://getmegone1991.medium.com/
Guess we know each other a bit)

I am one of the “testers” and I plan on writing about CVP within the coming week at length. I am thinking of being in touch with the team about volunteering on a weekly basis to help with the newsletter and things like that. One thing I think could be done is monthly sponsorships for up and coming newsletters or research that is published via the community. I say this as I am the author of one myself. It could be grants given after a clear publication is submitted and approved by the team. The financial components will incentivise individuals to be proactive in product development/market-research while simultaneously having something tangible for the investments made.

Thoughts / ideas welcome.


hey @boop , If you need any assistance distributing the article of getting you some info about PowerPool, hit me up on Discord or telegram (@DrGovernance)

So it`s pretty close to the Index launch already. @powerpoolAdmin what do you think about the topic?

I think after the “Temperature check” contest results we will have a clearer picture.

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Great way to start small and leverage up.

So contest is over) What`s the picture overall, how do u think?

Guys I see questions in Discord or in tg groups and I am sure that we need to create 1-3 videos about powerpool basics and its idea. most of them just didnt read medium and they won`t start but we still need to attract as many users as we can. So we definetily need to find a way how to tell them about PP.
Does anyone got skill in viedo-content creating?) Except Lamer (he got skills I know)

So @Lamer is the Lamer I thought of?:slight_smile:

If this in the case no one would create a better video-explainer for russian-speaking community I believe/

Yeap! But I need a bit more time CUZ making ETH 2.0 explanation video.

wow, nice to meet! I think your video content is the best in the Russian speaking space mate. And better than what for example Bankless does (I mean their explanation videos)

feel free to DM me on discord or telegram if you need anything :slight_smile:

Thanks, man! I really appreciate any help. In my opinion power of PIPT is undervalued because of not so much understanding of it.

I will help out here.
I’m a social media manager, we can start by creating a Information Access point where info is managed.
From Info Control Unit we manage contents and approve timely production.