I think that this index should be launched with DAMM from launch. Also I think that from launch, all staking capabilities should be enabled. So from day 1 we can have staking and damn implemented.
Also in my view i think that there should be no (new) cvp farming for this index. By the time this index is launched xCVP will be ready anyway and we can just immediately offer xCVP rewards + staking from underlying tokens.
agreed on all fronts. so it seems we are at a standstill for index development until we can confirm that the above suggestions are implementable from day 1?
Yea I know. I just wanted to see the launch of a total feature complete index. My thought process was, delay nft index launch until we finish other project tasks first then focus on launch of nft index with staking.
But i guess the argument is that we want to see the nft index out as soon as possible not delaying it which is fair and probably the way to go.
Also before it can focus on nft staking the project has a huge backlog of other tasks atm . Launch yla index, aave & sushi stake, develop and then launch snx stake, xcvp, decrease inflation idea, implement damm for pipt/yeti, staking for pipt/yeti, v2 of index with lower fees and optimizations, L2 on chain voting, snapshot vote.
One can only guess when the above priorities will all be done. Even with the teams speed it will take several months I think to complete the above since its alot of work.
So yea no point waiting for nft staking.
Not sure about the bounty program but I think it should last a short time and not be alot.
Perhaps a month of cvp farming but instead of making it super high make it 50-80k for one month?
Only 1 month since we dont really get a lot of deposits after a few days of launch, also low rewards since we dont want too much free cvp.
Everyone is spoilt with high cvp farming. We need to make it more valuable and scarce.
Or we can forget bounty program and just implement xCVP idea (it will be implemented b4 nft index anyway). I prefer this.
So guys, fun is over now, now we bring this thing alive and we have to do this very quickly:
This is the coingecko NFT list:
This is what is proposed by Gogano a few weeks back:
1 - MEME
2 - Aavegotchi
3 - Axie Infinity (AXS)
4 - Rarible (RARI)
5- Sand (Sandbox game)
If we want 8 Tokens included i suggest to take the following that we have 8 Tokens in this index
6 - Enjin
7 - MANA
8 - NFTX
This should start as DAMM indext and without staking of the underlying assets.
This should start with an inital CVP boost, it doesnst need to be much, but should be at least so much to attract some liquidity for the start.
great timing to bring this back to the spotlight. MB is working around the clock to present you with NFT index concept and we welcome all inputs from our community. Plz share NFT related projects you think should be included.
The name should be really simpel and not so stupid like ASSY or YETI, lets have the advantage of a first mover advantage and name it NFTI, the easiest and most understandable name (like DPI - Defi Protocol Index).
And personally i own some seen.haus tokens and they are shipping fast and good stuff, but at a market cap of 8million its not the best idea imo. We should take the biggest names in the industry to get some attention. And we should also marketing it this way. I wouldnt mind to start with only 5 tokens and add more at a later point. On the other hand, if we start with 8 we reduce the risk if only 1 token is underperforming and get more attention of the NFT communities.
Adding those 3 sounds good. Pretty sure NFTX is already an index of NFTs but that could be a better thing for our index.
What about adding FLOW by Dapper Labs?
Also, potentially LUKSO Token, LYXE? They are spearheading the NFT clothing design industry with big players on the team.
Ultra (UOS) and GALA are also both good. I think its important to include the video game based tokens.
Obviously we are doing our best to make sure only good projects get in the index, but overall I do believe it will be better to diversify as much as possible with this by including more projects from the get-go. Most of these M.Caps are still so low and the upside is large, and with DAMM, we can feel better about it reducing the losers and buying the winners in a relatively early market.
Everything sounds good to me, excited to see MB’s proposal of this index.
Ok glad to see we finally got more attention from team and core community.
I am against waiting staking implementation. We already late. no time to w8 more. Its too complicated to implement staking. For example staking ghst is only available at matic now.
we can include cvp in index. and give only small rewards or whatever. its not really important in such market conditions. People ready to invest in good nft index.
NFTI good name
Totally against adding flow (nobody in clear mind wants to buy centralized blockchain token at 400+ x)
we should add only eth gov tokens.
My view
1 - MEME
2 - Aavegotchi (should bi the biggest weight because of low volatility coming from on chain source- bonding curve) that could prevent 70% price fluctuations of index
3 - Axie Infinity (AXS)
4 - Rarible (RARI)
5- Sand (Sandbox game)
7 - MANA
8 - NFTX