Governance: Community PowerBuilding

The purpose of this topic is to 1. identify and discuss the current shortcomings of the PowerPool as a DeFi (financial) product, 2. draft necessary improvements, 3. team up with other active and competent community members, 4. build minor projects to implement these improvements and 5. reward these members for their job in building PowerPool up as successful product.

I really think that there is much to be done to make PowerPool an outstanding project. I have couple of ideas that could improve our position among competitive projects (I will describe it later in the text), but I would also expect anybody else that he/she would share his/her thought and provide us with critical judgement with the aim to IMPROVE what is not working properly in PowerPool. Please remember that reservations and critical thinking is GOOD but active participation to change it is even better.

We have Community funds available and I see that we also have many very handy and competent people here that would be willing to help or would be easily motivated, if they are properly compensated, so lets do it!

This topic can also be perceived as a tool to monitor and evaluate activities of Management Board with the aim to either increase its effectivity or reduce their members’ rewards (or to remove them completely from their positions), if MB members (@Sergey, @vasilysumanov, @Zero, @DrGonzo, Delacroix) 1**. fail to deliver expected results** or 2. it’s clear that their job can be done easier, cheaper or more effectively at the community level.

As for the (in)activities that I personally perceive as current shortcomings:

  1. PowerPool Twitter activities SUCKS! I am monitoring closely other similar projects (such as for instance) and they tweet daily or couple times a day! This does not necessary have to be tweets about project updates, anything that could draw attention to our project would be good. I assumed that with the election of MB, this would improve substantially, but I was apparently wrong. Either the MB members do not do their job properly or they do not think that these activities are withing the scope of their job (I would love to see some reaction here from the MB). Either way I think we should have somebody fully dedicated to Twitter (and potentially Reddit) propagation, so if anybody would be interested in this job, please come in, draft your plans and ask for fundings.

  2. Communication within and outside the community in general and marketing is very poor. I would expect MB members to be more active here, giving interviews, host AMAs, produce more video content and so on. And if MB members cannot or do not want to do it, let’s make it ourselves!

  3. PowerPool website needs to be substantially remaked with the aim to provide clear and easy-to-understand information about its mission and financial opportunities even for non-crypto people who might be eventually interested in investing in indices or other cryptorelated products. Please note that we do not have to (nor we should) aim only for cryptoveterans when attracting additional capital. There is 99% people out there that do not have any cryptoexperience but have money and would love to invest it but they do not know the available products and/or do not know, how to make such investments. Why should we catch small fish in small pond when there is ocean of big fish out there. Let’s not compete with Index Coop, Pie Dao or and other competitors for mercenary capital, instead let’s invite new people to buy our products, but to do that our webpage as the first point of contact needs to be comprehensive and user-friendly!

I would love to take this as my personal project that should be elaborated and funded by the Community fund, therefore I invite 1. English native speaker to help me with the text on webpage, 2. handy graphic webdesigner to give our page completely new and attractive look (just for inspiration and to compare pls look to or or, 3. webprogrammer who could implement changes to wepgage (this can alternativelly and preferably be a coder from the PowerPool team). Some experts could be even subcontracted from non-crypto world, if there woud be no one with the necessary skills in our community.

Now I know that according to MB announcement, they have a plan to “upgrade PowerPool public information (descriptions on websites)”, but I think this webpage remake should be more complex thing, but if MB members still think they should do it instead, that I expect that they provide us with time deadlines on this upgrade and stick to it, because I honestly think that this is crucial for our selfpropagation and should be done asap!

Please feel free to submit your own ideas what could be done for PowerPool improvement or discuss some of mine, just let’s do something!


And I want to add something that might be perceived as offtopic, but maybe it could help me to illustrate what drives me here and why I feel a bit frustrated about how things are now.

I was really pissed of by @DrGonzo approach latety, when I was repeatedly and patiently asking him to provide me with a simple statement fo 3 weeks now! and the result is that he stopped responding to my messages in Discord channel even though he promised several times to inform me. I knew him as a nice guy and maybe he is doing something more important now but still this is unacceptable. PowerPool funding gives 2777 CVP to each of MB member, which is roughly 7800 USD a month now, so I think this money should be well deserved!

Hey! Great ideas. I hope the management board can add these to their tasks. I think the management board are doing several things behind the scenes. Results remain to be seen so let’s wait and see.

I am a native english speaker so I can assist you there if you need it.

  1. Socials are not active enough. I can help with moderating a twitter or reddit and posting. Maybe management board can pick up on this and do it?

  2. I have webpage development experience. But honestly it’s better to have the core team do this sort of thing technical thing. They have direct control over the code and that way there is no middle man. But you would somehow need to have regular communication with that core team. If you can achieve that then it would be best.

I will add some ideas and also write up shortcomings that should be addressed. Will do this later.

However for right now a small suggestion. powerindex is a confusing. It’s the name of the website/ index/ protocol . Please change powerindex (index) and pipt token to a different name. Its confusing with the same name as the website/protocol. :rofl::rofl:

I would agree sometimes on discord asking and not recieve enough information is a issue. DrGonzo from my experience with him has been doing good so far. He has responded to most of my questions. There are alot of questions tho. And he is one person only :pensive:. I see Vasily on there sometimes too

Of course, @DrGonzo was so far always nice to me and I know that being a Discord moderator can be quite time consuming, however I was patiently waiting for response for 3 weeks and asking very politely several times to update me. Mr. Gonzo gave himself several dealines to provide the requested information but did not kept his own promises and finally stopped responding. I think I can be quite tolerant in many aspects but being handled like this in such a long period of time is too much, especially having in mind that he is paid for the job very generously.

This market communication/website re-design process is needed, but the prerequisite is to agree what our fork-proof offering and value proposition to token holders really is. This then needs to be reflected in naming conventions for protocols, the DAO and all tokens, present and future. Once this is clear, then hashtags and social media, as well as website redesign can move forward. The Index Coop website re-design process (ongoing) was based on polled ranking lists of values from three perspectives and was very well received, and delivered broad engagement, which is a good starting point. In a high gas environment, actively managed pooled approaches to thematic, yet broad diversification and yield farming make sense for smaller passive retail, but as noted above, our communications and positioning is not currently aimed at small retail. And are we really happy to concede institutional grade passive indexes to Index Coop? What about leveraged pool tokens? What about an actively managed bear market product shorting a basket of incentive-driven shit coins and ghost fork tokens (we all know who they are) so that we have something for small retail to enjoy the downturns with? Also, I find Discord the worst means ever devised for thoughtful structured communication by which these and similar questions can be debated and draw upon the ‘wisdom of crowds’

I am in for this. Let’s do it. I Will work tomorrow on the points you provided.

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Hey @Glow, thanks for coming forward with it. I’m not 100% sure what your offer is here, but let me comment while I start backward, from the 3rd point.

As you mentioned yourself, a website redesign is a complex task. I feel that we should start with guides, like the ones @PowerLul is doing (his work is directly supported from M.B. personal funds), but we need to host them on our official pages, such as (just an example)

Nor do I think that mentioned websites are far ahead of, while U.I. and UX improvements are much needed.

Judging from my experience, bringing people with no crypto experience to a DeFi project extremely expensive, but we have to make the project more understandable. I agree here with you.

Regarding points 1 & 2, I think you raised a critical question here, and much more work has to be done on this front.

Twitter - excellent catch. Both PowerPool main acc and PowerHouseCVP accs need to be more active. We are trying to improve the current workflow, but it becomes more apparent that a dedicated person is required to cover SMM activities. If anybody wants to offer these specific services, please reach out to me.

Communications/Content - Important point, and you are right that we need to deliver more. If you have any specific suggestions, please share them.

Creativity contest is going to be published next week to allow everybody to earn by creating Content in different categories:

  1. Video
  2. Infographics
  3. Writing
  4. Meme/Art

All the entries are going to be reviewed closely, as we are looking to expand our Copywriting/Content creation team.


Keep in mind that it was just a month since M.B. officially started working. We yet to receive any payments. However, we spent personal funds on different tasks such as Subgraphs, On-chain analysis of tester activity, and the Meta-Governance portal. We plan to spend more funds from personal allocation and already have agreements in place to go public as we get the first payment to allocate these funds.


Apologies my friend, I that is unprofessional ghosting you for several days, answered your question in Discord :v:t2:

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Thanks for summing this up!

While the work on Prop 29 took more time than expects (imo), MB will post re the key activities to focus on (all of them are work in progress obviously)

Personally I am more kinda product / bizdev guy rather than a marketing guy, so please treat my thoughts from this side. Some of the other folks from the MB are much better than me in marketing.

  1. Yes, agree, we will start posting frequently shortly
  2. Agree, we built a v1 of a deck to demonstrate on interviews and working on adding pretty heavy analysis there. So far there was only one interview. need to be more active.
  3. Sure. this is a pretty heavy job though. Work in progress.
    and cool if you can help with this

Saying the above, I think that nothing will affect the PP better than its indexes performance and improvement PP ecosystem tokens utility (CVP, YLA etc) + of course direct efforts with getting certain tier-1/tier-2 names as PP products/CVP investors.
Again this is something I am personally focused on