About the Ecosystem Growth Fund Grant Applications-Proposal 58

The Ecosystem Growth Fund was proposed and accepted by the community to reward PowerPool contributors. Please create an initial public topic for discussion in this section to apply for a Grant or Reward as defined in Proposal 58. Discussed and reviewed proposals which are ready for voting will be moved to the Ecosystem Fund Vote subtopic.

All proposals have to include:

  1. Abstract (short description of what service or integration is proposed: 2-4 sentences)
  2. Motivation (why and how the PowerPool community benefits from this service/work/project)
  3. Roadmap/Timeline/KPIs/Milestones/Deliverables etc.
  4. Grant/Compensation (amount of $CVP with vesting rules) - No $CVP without vesting(!)
  5. Background/relevant info about service provider/testimonials/previous experience
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good project, i love it