Governance: Beta & Gamma Testers Low Activity

Ops, wrong topic, sorry :slight_smile:

I really like it. Not so strong in formalization of proposals, but I think it’s the right direction

Agree. As far as we know there was a list of tasks for each group of testers, so its just has to be added with info about recent activity related to the area of each tester + social activity (forum, discord, tg, votings etc, at least something!).
I am totally fine to see this summs of money in the hands of people who was/is really helpful for the projects, but I am 100% sure that there are testers who barely finished half of test tasks.

something along these lines it’s clearly the right path.

IMO, if they haven’t even claimed VP, their tokens should be 100% void, and no, claiming now shouldn’t change this fact, but this is just me having a more aggro stance.

and yes let’s use all the proceeds for the management board, for a group of people that have been supportive of the project since day 1, contributing without ever being remunerated.

I’m glad @powerpoolAdmin is on the same page here.

When I extended the lock schedule before, everyone should have been convinced that I wouldn’t change it in the future.